Monday, November 9, 2009

why we shouldnt wear school uniforms

I disagree what Bill Clinton said at his 1996 state of the union speech.I feel that allowing children to wear jeans,shirt and sneakers doesnt increase violence.Schools would still get the right amout of value and citizenship. Uniforms dont slove the promblems their supporters say they slove.Violence will happen with or without uniforms.

Children would always just find away to show their style with there uniforms on. It can be from the hair is styled to the shoes they wear. Students will look find a way to look cute even if they have to wear uniforms.Like me for example i dont like to look the same as other kids but i like the school that im in so i deal with it because i get rewarded if i do.

Uniforms can also be goood because then our parents dont have to pay a lot of of money for them like they would have to if this was not a uniform school. Also then children wont think come to school thinking that it is a fashion show everyday.Also then they wont think that this person toped them or wanted more attenion.Uniforms can also help when it comes to people wearing other peoples stuff as earrings,barcelts inc.Now that there not allowed in this school we dont have to worry about that.

My feelings on this is that i strongly disagree with wearing unforms and what was said.Uniforms should be banned from every school in this state.I feel that uniforms are uncool and ugly and children should be forceed to wear them.P.s.i dont like uniforms or looking like everyone else when it comes to dressing. The End.

1 comment:

  1. Destiny-
    Great job with your essay — it's easy to understand and you explain your arguments.

    You do need to be careful when you write — you have some missing words and some incorrect grammar. Pay special attention to "there, their and they're" and also to missing words. Make sure you read your work out loud.

    Also, please put a space after periods when you type.

    You need to use direct quotes from the stories we read. Your opinions are great and you defended them well, but you also need evidence from the text!

    Mr. Enders

    Meaning = 3
    Development = 3
    Organization = 5
    Language = 4

    Total: 15/20
